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China Eleventh Chemical Construction Company Limited (ELECO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CNCEC) (stock code: China Chemical 601117), managed by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State...

this is test by quwei

Company won the honorary title of "National Advanced Unit of Party Building

Company's party committees and retired old party members learned party history together

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China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co., Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip
code: 475002
E-mail:eleco@eleco.com.cn&opd@eleco.com.cn Tel:0086-371-22905559 Fax:0086-371-22922143
Website Updating:Internet Information Center, Technology and Quality Dept, ELECO
Registration No.. Yu ICP DoC.12012028
©China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co, Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip   Record number: Yu ICP Bei 12012028